Impolite Society: Exploring the Weird, Taboo & Macabre
There are so many things we've been told we can't talk about in polite society. The things your mom told you never to ask about: Sex. Money. Poop. Death. The things that make normal people uncomfortable.
But if you're curious about the truth behind our deepest societal taboos, we're your gals. We dig into the history, science, and straight up weird truths behind these off-limits topics and give you the answers you never knew you needed.
Impolite Society: Exploring the Weird, Taboo & Macabre
2024 Impolite Society Recap
In the final episode of 2024, we're giving you a peek into our daily lives and a year-in-review for Impolite Society. We chatted about our favorite episodes this year, the best behind-the-scenes moments, and a sneak peek into the topics we hope to cover in 2025.
Happy holidays and see you next year!
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Text Rachel and Laura or email us at rude@impolitesocietypodcast.com. Visit our website for info about the show and your hosts.
Welcome to Impolite Society. I'm Laura.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:And I'm Rachel! I was trying to think of a holiday pun, but Rachel the red nosed reindeer.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:It's alliteration. It works and no intro guys. We're just straight in it today. We've got nothing to tease because it's just us. Sorry to disappoint you all, but today is something a little bit different for our last episode. Of 2024, or not quitting again, guys, it's just a, it was a fake out, uh, it's just a year end recap for all things impolite society, because we're taking a little bit of a break. Because winter and Christmas is, I know, kicking my ass. We've gotten a little bit behind on our recordings, so we're going to take this time to record. Banks some episodes to get ready for us to re release in 2025,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:what, February or something?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I think we could be back in January. But yeah, things got a little rough there, and we were living the podcast equivalent of paycheck to paycheck, and had no time to squirrel away anything for a rainy day. So I don't know what happened in October, but we just really, like,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I got, my kids got sick and destroyed everything. My kids got sick.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Ah, those kids. Send them back. But, while we are going away, we don't want you to have tears this holiday season, because there's always the backlog, folks! We've got so many episodes out there! Like, almost five fucking years of stuff! This in 2020, it will have been. Or 2025, it will have been five years, half a decade of Implied Society. Back then I think it was Big Talk. So I don't know if those episodes are still available, maybe on certain, maybe on certain browsers or whatever, podcast aggregators, you may be able to find them, but we've been at this for quite some time and we've put together what, like, I think we're in sixties, upper sixties, maybe close to 70 episodes.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:oh I think, yeah, honestly, I don't know because The way that I numbered them, I do it by seasons, which is fucking stupid. And I'm not going to go back and fix it now. So
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:No, I was wondering when you changed the seasons, I was like, Oh, I didn't know we did seasons. Yeah, it's like 70, so that's almost like 70 hours of content that you can look back on
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:yeah, I'm not going to say quality content, just
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Some of it's better than others. It's always getting better. So today we're going to look back, we're going to continue looking back at this last year. We're going to talk about some of our favorite episodes, some of our favorite moments, favorite tidbits that we've learned and just kind of like have a more casual conversation. Some behind the scenes with Rachel and Laura, unscripted. And first, to start with, outside of podcasting, what are you obsessed with these days?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I've got a couple that have been taking up my time that I should be spending podcasting. I am watching or obsessing about what I learned in the Buy Now documentary on Netflix.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, that is a lot of processing power in my head too. A lot of guilt.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yes! I watched it two weeks ago? Week and a half? Like whenever it Debut I watched it and it was just a fucking punch in the gut and I had been on an anti consumerism kick anyways, and this just like ramped it up to a thousand and I'm I think I'm gonna have to take a chill pill Like I'm kind of like writing myself ragged a little bit like mentally with this kind
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Well, and that's what I've been thinking as I go through trying to consume less, buy less, spend waste less, right? Is how much of it should fall to the individual consumer and how much should fall to, like, people whose jobs it is to do this kind of shit instead of making us feel like we have to carry the back, you know, the weight of the world on our backs. Maybe somebody should just make Things not in plastic that doesn't degrade for 50 million years.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:It's a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B, right? Like, they wouldn't make it if we didn't buy it. So
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:buy it through sus practices,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:a hundred percent. A hundred percent. And the documentary, it, honestly, it only kind of touches on those things, I think. I don't think it goes
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I wanted to know all the tricks and trade of the trade
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:many, there's so many ways that they do it and they just brushed over it and they didn't talk about, consumerism and the effect that it has on our happiness and our, our, like, perception of,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:up with the Joneses kind of like the envy right
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Exactly. And it, so I, I want to see like a multi part documentary of Buy Now on every different facet of this consumerism culture and why it's toxic, not just to the planet, but to us.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Right, and I tried to pitch you on a limited series podcast about that same thing, but Laura did not bite
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:It just, it, it, it, just seems hard. It seems like a lot of brain power
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It seems like maybe that's beyond our capabilities like maybe if Wondry or whatever wants a really sick podcast idea. I can I can steal that
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yeah. Do it, Wondery.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:But only if it's hosted by a washed up sitcom actor
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I got plenty of those
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:They sure do can't can't be Throw a microphone without it connecting with
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:hitting some fucker in the head.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:yeah, some former sitcom actor.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:So other things that I've been obsessed with, another Netflix, cause apparently this is what I do is I watch Netflix, the JonBenét Ramsey case, their documentary just came out last. Last week, and I have not looked at that case closely in years and it sent me down a rabbit hole, dude, like I have been,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I have been looking at so much shit I've been all over the Reddit, for JonBenet and talking to people and throwing out theories and throwing out questions, reading. Police interview transcripts at 11 p. m. in my bed. Like that's what I've been doing. It's
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I, I just, you can't bring her back to life.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:It's hella depressing, but I can't like wrap my brain around it and I think i'm I think i'm finally backing off though. I think i've like reached the point that i'm like, I think i've
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:out of that hyper fixation?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yeah, that definitely happens. But like, it's also like I had questions and I answered them to the best of my ability. I mean, Lord knows I'm not going to crack the case. It's been 30 fucking years. Yeah. No, it's uncrackable
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:if you die, and you get to ask one question of the universe, are you asking who killed John Benet Ramsey?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:as of right now. Yes.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Wait, what if she's not really dead, what if she just faked her death and she's with Elvis and Michael
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:a, there's like a conspiracy theory that
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:She never existed?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Perry or something? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:She's, AI.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:yeah, I would want to know about it in any case. It was the fucking parents. I know it was the parents. It was some combination of the parents. One parent, both parents.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I think it was like an accident, and they just covered it up, and it got out of hand. And all of a sudden, every the nation is watching.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:totally, totally, That's it. I think that's exactly what happened. And, but I'd like the permutations, that's the thing that drives you crazy. You run through it in your head of the permutations, like who had the accident? Who did this? Like, what was the onus? And da da da da. Like, that's what keeps your brain like on the treadmill of trying to figure it out. And cause no, no, no, no possible permutation makes a hundred percent sense.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, well, maybe that's our unlimited series. We're gonna do a deep dive into the John Penne Ramsey
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:thanks. I didn't, we say in the very start, we're not going to be a true two white girls talking True crime!
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:crime! We would've been famous, but no. No, just kidding. We'll never be famous,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:No, you might, we might've been
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:you know, um, I've also been watching Netflix a lot and my obsession lately is the cheesy Christmas movies that they have on there. I'm like literally watching, yeah, I'm watching like one a day. So, I just wanted to let you know that I gave up my prime Christmas movie time to be having this conversation right now. So, you're welcome.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:they're bad. They're all bad. Two thumbs downs, but they're hilarious. I just watched one about a lady who gets kicked out of imaginary. universe's Rockettes
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:The fake rockets.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, it goes back to her hometown and starts a male stripper review, a male, a gentleman's review in her parents bar, her parents bar with the handyman that she signs up for it without his consent or permission. She's just like, yeah, he's a dancer. And then this man who had no intention of being a stripper suddenly is just like, yeah, I'll take my shirt off and dance for people.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Match made in heaven.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Apparently, because she turns down her gig to go back and be a rockette, um, for the three year contract, mind you, to stay and be this guy's unemployed girlfriend. So, good choices, good choices, because he got mad at her for potentially leaving, because his last girl also left him for the big city.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:He has abandonment issues.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:and it's Chad Michael Murray. Is a heartthrob from my teenage years. The other
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:these like, are these newer movies or
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:mm hmm, next up on the docket is about a hot snowman
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:who comes to life. ha
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:of it on Reddit.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Hell yeah. Hot Frosty. That's next.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:definitely saw people making fun of that on Reddit and I thought it was a joke post. Nope, not a joke post. Ha
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:reviews will be in. That'll be the next episode, the next holiday episode. Also, equally cringy, things that have been occupying way too much of my brain space is the Wicked press tour. Not just the movie Wicked, but like, I see so much content from the press tour and it's just Ariana Grande and the lead, other lead actresses crying and being so moved and holding space and it's just all.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:are they holding space for?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:The gays or something. I don't know. I'm sorry gays. I don't know I'm not a member of the queer media, so I don't know what's happening
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:just know they're real upset about it.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:They're just like, we have to hold space, because Defying Gravity is about being gay, I guess. I don't know, because I'm not included. I'm not cool enough. All I know is they're always, and then, like, Ariana Grande's holding the other girl's fingernail to, like, comfort her. She's like, they're there, like, patting her fingernail. This is my life. This is my life. This is what I see all the time, because I was a theater nerd. They are the reason I quit theater. It's because I could not handle people like that.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yeah. That we're holding space and patting each other's fingernails?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:mean, if we should all hold space for something, don't get, don't try to pin me into antique corner here because I'm not, I'm holding space for all the gays that the gays and the theys folks, but the drama and the crying. I cannot. The crying on the last night and the weeping and all holding on to each other and all of the people playing piano and they only know the one song. What was the one song? It was just every theater dude knew how to play one song on the piano. I'm not gonna write you a love song or something like that. It was just, get me out of theater.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:That's how I felt about improv. Way too much, like, in your feels, and like felt a little bit culty, so I, I can feel
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Well, I think improv is notoriously a cult, right? So that's legitimate, but.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:fun, but also weird.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Theater people.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yeah. Next level theater people.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:No, thank you. That's, yeah, that's my media consumption corner. That and trying to overwinter my bananas in Zone 6, you know. Wish me luck.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I don't even know what that means.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:built a greenhouse over my banana trees and I have been trying to
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:And they're still outside.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:are they doing?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:They're frozen, but that's beside the point. The greenhouse is sort of working. They, I just waited too late to put it up and also I should have just dug them up and put them in my basement, but I have to be as difficult as possible and today I turned my greenhouse into a smokehouse because I put a candle out there and then the candle
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:trying to thought.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Well, that's what online said to do is put a candle in your greenhouse to help it like stay warm Because I put it out before the While the sun was away, and now the sun's back. So hopefully it's warming up more, but any who do I look out the window And I see smoke coming out the top of my greenhouse like
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Your bananas are hot boxing it in there.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I was like, oh I better go get that before it burns down My son was impressed when I told him I was putting out a fire not gonna lie. He's he's too He's like mama fight fire and I'm like, yeah, baby. I sure did Aka I smothered a little candle that was going out of control But that's our look into our lives, a peek behind the scenes. That's what we do, and you're
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:exciting lives we
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I'm sure you're gonna miss us. Over the next couple weeks. So let's talk about some of our favorite episodes that you can revisit if you miss the sound of our voices.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:So looking back at this year's catalog, one of the ones that jumped out to me immediately is the Clitoris, a tiny penis. That episode was really good. I ended up talking about that episode to a stripper in New Orleans because I was that proud of it.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Did she show you her tiny penis?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:No, we were just, I actually, the conversation started about breast implants and I was trying to show her what, uh, encapsulation looked like on our Instagram and then, but been scrolling through the photos, she saw the clitoris and was like, is that a penis? I was like, no, yeah,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:yeah, that's a good place to bring up clitorises. I feel like they're not focused on enough in strip clubs.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:well, yeah, I
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:they're hard, they're hard to flaunt, you know?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:They're kind of, sometimes they're a little hidden.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Peek a boo! No, that was on my list as well, cause it's literally, it's not everyday that I feel like I'm doing a podcast about challenging our notions of gender and sexuality. Well, not sexuality, of sex, right? Because that episode was like life changing information when I learned it. That the spectrum of human genitalia is not A or B, it's like A through Z. And that rhymes. Boom. I'll have to go back and re listen to that one, too. I had kind of forgotten about it. It's so early in the year. It's like, pfft, 2023, baby.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:In the rearview. Another one that I really liked was the fan fiction episode. That was like a labor of love for me. It wasn't popular. Not a lot of people listened. I don't care. I loved it. It was a fun episode. And even when I like listened to it back, the, the intro music, like I really love that song, it's a little like twangy kind of like college rock guitar. And I just want to put it on a playlist and listen to it. I just, I love that one. Um,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:We'll have to dig it out just for the twangy music at the beginning.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I have it like in my downloads and every once in a while it'll come up when I'm looking through music and I'm like,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Twang, twang, twang to twang, twang. Nice. Now that one, I did not know a lot about fanfiction. I did not, like, have, I did not occupy a big piece of my life. Bye. It sure set me on a new trajectory, not a new trajectory, but it added some spice to my life, we did that podcast in February, so this has been a work in progress since February, because, uh, well like a little side project to our side project, I'm going to be I'm going to Launching another podcast with my sister of all people, uh, talking about fan shipping. So it was based on this episode, Laura and I had teased that we had a concept after trying to pitch her on it. I apparently, I, I like literally a dynamic of our friendship is I'm always pitching podcasts to Laura and she's like, no, one's enough. I'm like, but what if we do this one? And she was like, girl, I don't need to do this other podcast.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I have another podcast, nerds talking. I don't need three.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:So, well, and this one would involve more work than nerds talking, for sure. But maybe we could do like a little crossover where we can come over, because that's like literally fandoms and nerd talking, like, there's some magic there. But essentially, me and my sister are just going to be talking about different, Top fan favorite couples that didn't end up working out. So we explore all different kinds of media like, Movies, TV shows, those kind of things. We've talked about like, anime, um, And we
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Gi Oh! is very popular on fanfiction. net, I believe.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Well, yeah. Kiva, no, but I've learned a lot apparently. Uh, not apparently. I've learned a lot. I am not cool and not saying my sisters or either, but she knows a lot more about this stuff than I do. And I'm like, uh, so this has actually been good.'cause I've been consuming a lot more stuff. I feel like I could, now I'm starting to be able to hold the conversation if I found myself in an improv situation, or maybe with a group of people who play D& D. Which is kind of like, DIRD improv, as far as I understand.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yeah. Yeah. It seems accurate.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:yeah, check it out. I should mention the name of it. It is called, Ship Happens. the trailer will be out on, Your podcasting platform of choice when this episode airs, so go and follow it, and then when episodes drop, they will appear in your feed. So,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:definitely put the trailer in our feed as well.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:okay, I will do that once we have it.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Which, it should be soon.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I'm excited. I know very little about it. I knew you were doing it, but I didn't know you were this far along and I'm excited to listen.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:been recording since September.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:That's awesome.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, it'll be fun.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Send me a preview. I get
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah. I think we might dump a few at the top and then, give us like a little bit of a wiggle room. It's also going to be biweekly for sure. Cause you know, we all have jobs. Well, I don't, but other people have jobs and, um, you know, it is fun. I enjoy it. It's a lot more casual than employed society. You don't have to do deep research. And I am a stan for Raylo, apparently. I love, yeah. Oh, that one was so cute. I was like, I watched so many fan edits and I'm like,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Aw, I love fan videos!
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:like it. I like that. Other ones, I'm like, I learned a lot about a court of roses and thorns or whatever. It's not good in my opinion, but
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:We can have a whole side conversation about that. This is very popular. Yeah!
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:it started me on this side project because that I, that was an alternative concept to even bringing back and play society. I feel like at some point, but
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Laura did not want to, uh,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I had more stuff that I wanted to
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:She wanted to keep beating this dead horse.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I wanted to keep digging, delving, exploring, whatever other adjectives, Diving. yeah, into this weird shit that we do.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:one of
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Speaking of weird shit!
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Was the, uh, deadly fashion trends of the past. The ones about like the poison dyes. I, I thought this was just so interesting. The research was great. It's people are people are people, right? Humans poisoning themselves with dumb shit for forever and ever. Whether it's arsenic green or all the microplastics we're eating. So what?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:We'll be fine.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:want what we want. And we don't give a fuck.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Well, we're evolutionarily primed to want specific things, and we can't fight that, and that's why we need the Nanny State to save us! Laura? No.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:the nanny state, as we learned in that did not learn, the U. S. did not save us from arsenic and felting. So
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It did eventually
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:eventually, but it was like ridiculous. I think it was like 1940 or something. It was ridiculously
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:And if you're looking for a much faster way to kill yourself, Ma, another one of my favorites, was the Can I Masturbate Myself to Death? I think that that was just like, such a good, Title, right? That just people are already, you have a reaction to it. and the stories were fun, and I really liked how I, uh, ended up organizing it. It was like a mixture of, facts, and then using the stories to kind of support it.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I was a big fan of that one. Like, and around that time we happened to get a bunch of listeners from, uh, Some reddit post that I had made and they were like, Oh, should I listen? Which episode should I start with? And I was like, definitely the masturbation.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:it was just a good mix of a lot of laughs and good information. It was, I, that was a high quality episode.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I, I thought it came together well. I think it was different, and I think that that's also one of the things that this, we, Struggle with is our episodes end up being a little different every time or there's sometimes some that are very different Just the way it is it is the way it is
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Another one that was, I think, kind of along that same range. Not, not as good, I don't think, with the alternating stories and fact and stories and fact, but the pedophiles in prison, what happens to pedo's in prison. It was actually pretty well liked on YouTube, at least for our first episode, and we kind of hit a niche.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, no kidding apparently somebody offered to have us on their prison talk podcast and I'm like that's a mistake We know nothing
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Exactly. And it was, I think one of the ones that we did as the summer short, and I think it was a proper short in the sense, I mean, yeah, it was 45 minutes, but it was pure and it was kind of to a point that we normally managed to just sail by, you know, like we managed to keep it on that one topic and not dive off and do a million different
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:hmm. I agree. I think those shorts were like a very important training piece for us, right? You run farther or faster during training so that you can perform better in the competition or whatever, the race day. And so by striving for those shorts, I feel like our overall content got sharper too.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I absolutely agree. And
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:and that was a good model for it.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:yeah, and we tried to keep that format kind of as we went on throughout the year. You know, sometimes we didn't quite hit it, but it was the intention and it just, you know, keeping to a focus in that one topic and I think also because we have so many background episodes, like we don't have to go into some of the stuff that maybe I felt like we needed to before. You know what I mean? Because if you. At least from my perspective. I've done the research before, so I know the foundation of some things.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, like, we would start broad. We'd be like
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:the history of the prison system! Ha
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:like, here is what everybody has had to say about menstruation since the dawn of time. Why can't I poop on a vacation? Well, let's just talk about how the digestive system works as a whole. This is like, okay, guys, like, let's, let's focus in a bit. But yeah, I think we're getting to that point. But also, on the bit of the asides, like, you know, listeners, you tell us what you think, right? Like, do you want more fun kind of aside pieces? Do you like it to be tight? Um, and focus just on the topic. You let us know, right? We're, we're just kind of watching the numbers and trying to divine what they mean. So, and at the end of the day, we're making what we think you guys will like. So if you want to answer us and let us know what you like, that would be helpful. Or you can write about it on your kink forum and then me find it through some of my obsessive Googling. Um, and that is, of course, yeah. Referencing the Diapers Lover episode, which will live in infamy as her top downloaded episode. Ha! Ha ha! Ever! It's number one of all time, it beat Batman Going Down, which is so much better in my opinion. So, if you listen to that, if you are a diaper lover who is either hate listening to us, or love listening to us, check out the Batman one, cause that was such a good episode. From years ago, but yeah, that one, it struck a nerve for sure. And I think the fact that I named dropped some accounts is really what made it stand out.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Hey man, you're out. It's not like it's, it's not like we doxed them. It's not their first and last name and their address. It's their username on a public forum. I'm sorry.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, but, and there was a good, I mean, it was an interesting quote. I was, I was giving them credit for the methods that they used to find their parents or whatever. I don't know what to call it. Caregivers. Um, I do feel like maybe I, I, if I regret anything, it's naming the name, dropping their accounts because apparently that offended, our friend Boba Fetish. So I just wanted to say, I'm sorry, Boba Fetish. If you're still listening all these years later, all this year later, six months. Um, I do feel bad about that because I don't like to be singled out. We all know what it's like to be singled out. Like when you find your podcast on a forum. I'm being. Trash. No, everybody in the forum was like surprisingly chill about it. They're like, what are you gonna
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:so too. I was yeah that I saw the thread and I thought that they were pretty chill about it And I will give you some credit Boba fetish because I think that's a pretty clever username
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I thought so too, and in honor of that, I'm wearing a diaper right now. That's for you. That's for you, Boba Fetish. How many times can we say it? It's gonna be the, the Easter egg at the end. Boba Fetish. We're your number one fan now.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Boom, boom. That was fucking weird. Please cut that out. I don't know what the fuck that was.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Laura likes to make sounds. That's another thing that I've noticed from editing, is when you don't have a quip or something, you just go like, Buh boy! You just make a sound. Or you say, like, it's, if it's an animal, you just make an animal sound.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I don't
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:There's a lot of wolfing in the And howling in the lycanthropy one. The werewolf one. The
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:know what to say about that. I feel very called out because it's very true. I'm just, I'm not clever. I'm not quick on my feet, says the person who's been making a podcast for the last five fucking years.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:And all I have to say to that is, Or whatever sound is appropriate. The things that you learn about us on the cutting room floor. That's where you find the real Rachel and Laura.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:right. Since I don't have a clever segue, I'm just going to go into one of my next favorite episodes, which was the, uh, why does Southern women eat dirt? That was one of those episodes that does that one 80 in your thinking. Like I started in with just like, what the fuck this is nonsense. And at the end, I totally get it. I. I totally understood. And I actually, I really wanted this Southern guy that I follow on TikTok to do a video on it. His name is Landon and he actually commented, he was somebody that I followed. and watched and then he commented on our video
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:he did.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:some, yeah, something like that. What the fuck is this? I've never heard. He did not say that because he, he's a very Southern gentleman and he would never say that kind of thing. He would never say what the fuck. Uh, but he was just like, that's crazy. I'd never heard of it. And I was like, please. I commented like, please do an episode on it. I've got tons of notes and links. Like if you want to learn anything about it. And he never did. So Landon, I'm sorry. You broke my heart.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Listen to our podcast and cite it. But that was like breaking news, I guess then.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yeah. I mean, and he was, um, he's really funny if you guys don't know him, check him out on Tik Tok, Landon. It's just his username, Landon.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Wow. Well, I will have to do that. I didn't know he commented. I'll have to go back and check our TikTok. Yeah. That one was a lot of fun. And I will say it was also a 180 episode for me because when you pitched that topic, I was like, I seriously don't care at all about this. This sounds so boring. And then we did it and I was like, okay, okay, okay. I get, this is really good. Yeah. I remember you explaining it to me after we had recorded a podcast. I was like, Laura, I don't know if we should do that topic. And then you ran through it. I was like, oh, I get it now. I get it now. Okay. Yeah.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:the discovery. That's why we do this. The discovery.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, and it's that one might, again, I don't know the numbers off the top of my head, that one might have been looked over more because other people had the same reaction as me. Don't do that. Don't do that. Go back and listen to it because it was interesting. Why do those women eat dirt? We know.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Do you?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:glee! No,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:So, speaking of things that we've learned, right, learning is why we do this and, uh, what are some of your favorite tidbits that you learned in 2024?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:The number one thing that I come back with is, the best selling dildos are totally average sized dildos. That is from the
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:So, that thing that needs to be in like every men's room, men's restroom, just like plastered over the urinal
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:yeah, we had like a PSA sticker and that's from the, uh, is a big, is bigger, really better. And it's just the sales don't lie. Not many women want a monster dick. I mean, maybe some, but not, not the money follow the money. Yeah.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:a baby was so enjoyable. Mm mm. No, that's not what, that's not what they say about it, actually. It's the opposite. Mine is also dirty in nature. One of my top facts. And this is, again, going back to fanfic, and You would think that when things were invented that they're kind of wholesome, right? There's like pure intention. Thinking of the furries, right? Fursonas were like cute little trading cards or pictures. No, that's not the case with fanfiction. Fanfiction started off just as raunchy and as a way to portray two characters getting it on. That was the first one!
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:where it wanted to end. It went exactly there.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It was all, it's, it's always been, well, what if these two beloved characters of mine, Fuck. And that is an integral part of my new podcast, Ship Happens, where we also look at fan fiction and AO3 stats for the couple that we're looking at. So I have read a lot more fan fiction this fall than I have ever in my life.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:can't fucking wait. I have so many questions, but we'll take that, that offline. That's, that's secret. That's behind the curtain for you guys.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Get that at the end of 2025 when I do this episode
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:okay, another fact that I learned, and this one, it never, whenever I see the episode title I think about it. A woman once accidentally killed herself by stabbing herself in the twat with a pointy carrot. That just boggles my mind. When you dropped That, in the episode, I was like, no fucking way. I just like, I didn't believe it. And you're like, it wasn't a peer reviewed research. And I
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:a scientific
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:and I read it because it, I could not fucking believe it. But yep. Yep. It fucking happened.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It pokes, for those who didn't listen, go back, it's a great story. Essentially, it, she pushed air into her bloodstream through a carrot in her vagina, and then she died, and that's why I still don't trust vegetables to this day.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:At least not carrots.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Mm mm. Well, the other veggies, the veggies are out to get us, because they were involved in
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:In several. Yes.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:So just, when you're thinking of your erotic activities, please don't include a veggie.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Just don't do
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:They're looking for the opportunity. They hear, you know, when you cut them, they scream. They scream. They've been, they've been saving that. When they're, when they get their opportunity the screams of their family and friends are in their brain and they just,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Barf it into your bloodstream, apparently.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, they will kill you at the first opportunity. Don't trust a vegetable. Also, don't trust that cute suitor from your village because odds are you're related. That was another top fact of the years that 80 percent of all marriages throughout history were, are probably between second cousins or closer. What? We're all inbred here.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Goes back to that Envy episode, right? The pool was a lot smaller for
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Right. Well,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:just, your proximity is just people. Yeah. Who, who are you around? That's, that's who you get to marry. That's who you get to freak with. And, um, most likely they're distantly or not so distantly related to you.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:is that so bad as we covered in our
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Right. Ends
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:don't go back and listen to that one. That's one of my least favorites for other reasons that we won't talk about. Yeah.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Oh. Oh,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:of like the research, how you did the research and then I read it and it was super awkward. And it was nothing to do with the research, but just like the whole
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:that's, yes. I mean, we could talk about that, but the fact that I was trying to help Laura out and be like, well, Laura has like work.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I had something, I had started, did I start my new job? I had started my new
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, no, it was just that you didn't have, you didn't feel like you had a lot of brain power to expend on research, which was harder. It is harder than editing.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:not in like harder and it's harder in the fact that like. You have to take a lot of information and sort it and put it together. where editing, you just kind of sit down and deal with what's in front of you,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:mindless. You can hyper focus on editing.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It's just like, it's the difference between like washing dishes and making a meal plan, right? Uh, it's that, that kind of stuff. So, I was like, well, I can help you with that because I am not working and I like, I need to keep my brain doing that kind of activity. And it, and I had forgotten we even had this arrangement for that one episode because I was reading the outline looking for facts, fun facts, and I was like, why, I remember doing this, why are the quotes in my, me, why are like the, the notes, and you know, the extra stuff, my perspective, I'm like, I swore I wrote this, and I was like, well maybe me and Laura's brains really are just melding into one.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Nope. You wrote it. I tried to read it. It was super fucking awkward.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I don't remember. I need to go back and listen to it.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:It's better on the edit, obviously, you know, we clean it up in the edit,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, well that's a look behind the curtain for sure. Oh man. Well there you go folks. Now you know. We don't have, uh, research staff writing our stuff for us. I tried it and it didn't even work.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Rachel tried being research staff, it didn't work.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It didn't. But it was a lot of fun tidbits in that one too. I'm pretty sure I probably talked about my tutor love in that one as well.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:And the table of consanguity, you just referenced that in a text the other
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, consing I pulled that out at a family get together. I can't remember what the reference was, but I, consing I still can't say it. Only on the fly when I'm making a joke. Another fun tidbit that I learned, that sticks with me, I jumped out onto the page as soon as I saw this, or thought of this. was from the Resurrectionist episode, which was also a real fun one, was that a president's dad's body was stolen and found hanging on a meat hook two states over within, like, what, 24 hours after his funeral?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:That's nuts! Who is it, Harrison or something?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:It was. It was Harrison's dad. He was both the, he was the in between. His great, His father was a president. He wasn't a president. And then his son was a president.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:the president hanging on a meat
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Because they stole his body for science.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:they had got or maybe they did. Who knows? But yeah.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:a prized corpse. We're trying to figure out why his progeny was so successful.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:That was fun. That was a mind boggler. Other classic items or top moments for 2024. What do you got? What, what big news happened in the world in polite society
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I, I am a fame monster. Like, I just do this for the publicity, right? Like, I just want to be seen!
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:You must be sad and unfulfilled.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I feel seen, because I get to stare at my own image on the screen. For an hour every couple weeks. But, there was a TikTok that I made that was semi successful in the world of
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:blew up.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Small, small
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Well relative to other Tik Tokers, but relative to us, it
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:We were like, yeah, yeah, it was our most, well, I think you had another one about cunnilingus that also was pretty hot, because come on, it's cunnilingus, but this one was like semi political so I think that's what helped it because apparently that's the only kind of content that WORKS THESE DAYS, folks, it was referencing dog for dinner, our episode why can't I eat dog for dinner, because of, A quote about our former and future president saying that Haitian immigrants are eating
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Dogs and cats.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, in Ohio. So I made a little tidbit about trying to promote the podcast, but it ended up just being political discourse in the comments. But, c'est la vie! We did republish that episode, though, in the Society Select, so I hope you enjoyed re listening to it. That's a fun one. That's always been a fun one. And I just like talking about our hometown, St. Louis, so that's always a good little horrible bit of St. Louis history. The human zoo. The people zoo. Bleh. How about you? What are some of your top moments, moments?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I, when I was thinking about this, I was looking back through the episode, episode catalog for 2024. And I saw those two genital augmentation episodes, the, uh, the anal bleaching and then the female done genetic female genetic cosmetic surgery, female genital cosmetic surgery. And. I remembered how you were calling me out on it. You're like, Oh man, you've done two genital episodes.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Well, at some point I'm like, wait, why does this seem vaguely familiar? I was like, oh yeah.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:because we did something similar a few weeks out. Well, I would just have to say I felt called out
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:And I think I know, I think I know really what your motivation was, Laura, because one of my top moments was when you told me that you literally asked your dermatologist for a referral for somebody who does intimate area bleaching. So,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:that was fun. That was my dermatologist. I
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:and her poor receptionist.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yes. And the receptionist, I happened to have a dermatologist, uh, appointment while I was doing the research. And I don't know, I wanted to ask her about it and she was. a really good sport and had a lot of good information for me. I asked her some questions about like, you know, genital and coloring and how, how it all works and those kinds of things. It was very interesting. It's, it's, I got to actually talk to an expert, which we don't do on this show.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Not typically. Yeah, Laura's been really good about, uh, taking our research into the real world. Yeah.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Just for the record, I did not get anything bleached. That was research only,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Just to find out if it even exists, as you will know if you listen to the episode. And I think there was another big moment for us in 2025, 4, whatever year. And what is it? You tell me.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Oh, YouTube. we did YouTube over the summer when we did our summer shorts. Just trying to dip our toe
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Into video. We said lights, camera, action. We're ready for our close ups. Get us from behind the mics to in front of the camera.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:it sucked! That's why
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I mean, our first one, the pe
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:in the first place. Come on.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:The first one, the pedophile one, it did well. Like you said, we kind of hit a niche, uh, gave us a little bit of false hope, but the, God, the fucking effort involved in editing those videos, it was just so much, I, I hated editing video, hated it. And I, I liked also just showing up, you know, my face is what it is. I
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I was
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:like getting dressed.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:to every recording because I took like 45 minutes to get ready.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I also
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:and like your background and your makeup and all that shit and it was just exhausting.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:And we probably didn't need to do all that because people stream and just whatever but like I had also heard of like the hollywood hair theory where like you have to have memorable hair For people to like you so that I committed to like having big curly hair because it was summer And then I spent all this time curling my stupid hair to be like 30 people to maybe like something was like less right? I don't even
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. They were really, really bad views. the Christian domestic discipline one, pretty mean, again, for us, shot off. And we still get some good comments on it. I, yeah.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:No, it's like, it's, it's pretty considerable, the views. That's like, what, a quarter of our total podcast downloads.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:yeah, I thought that was, I thought that was really cool. That made me excited and made me almost want to do it again. But then you start, you looked at the stats and I'm like, oh, those aren't, those aren't our people. That's, we just, again, hit in a specific niche or. It's not who I want my people to be. Maybe that's, that's who's listening now, if it is. Hey, if it's not, or if it, well just tell us who you are. Just give us all your information. Mother's maiden
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:the street you grew up on, um, last four of your social. No, but if you wanna like, I guess maybe one day we'll do a survey. Nobody would take it, but I'm just curious to know more about you guys out there. So, let us know.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I think in general, I just don't think our topics are controversial or timely enough, you know, like in the, in the cycle of what's in people's brains right now to be really popular on YouTube. And I just, I don't want to chase the thing that I think people are going to click on. I just want to do the thing that seems interesting to me. So
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:and that's why we're here doing what we do. And if we were people with honest, like, I feel like in polite society, if it was just a decade earlier, maybe we would have been able to grow like a small cult following, right? Because it's just, you would have to trust in us and like us enough to come back week after week to hear about something completely new. Like stuff you should know, right? I,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:And I fucking love stuff you should know.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:would never make it today. If they launched stuff, you should know, if we did not have 20 years of parasocial relationship with those two, we, nobody would listen.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:think you're
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Come at me.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:So to our 77 YouTube subscribers, I'm real sorry. I know it really let you down.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Uh, we may be, I, I, what I do here on those podcasting subreddits is that, we should probably at least put the audio out there some kind of way, cause the majority of people listen to podcasts on, on YouTube now. So it doesn't have to be video.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yeah, I think we can do the final, audio and then like convert it into just like talky bubbles, you know?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, I've seen sometimes you can also get an AI avatar to do your talking for you. So that's kind of cute. Then I don't have to do my hair every day.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I just don't want to be on camera and I don't want to edit video.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It's very vulnerable. Very vulnerable
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Or I guess we could do, we could do where we release just, uh, unedited audio or unedited video on YouTube. And then the more polished audio on
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Well, I say we would just edit the audio the way we want it. Re add the video and just whatever choppy bullshits put out there, right? I don't care. I don't care. It's either gonna get, it's either gonna get thousands of views or it's gonna get five. So who cares?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yeah, that's true. That's true.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:ha. And most people put it on the background anyway. They're not really watching it.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:That would be weird. Oh, I'm gonna sit here and intently watch two people talking to microphones. Weird. I mean, it was a good year. I would not say it was. A banner year for Implied Society. We used to do a lot, right? Go to conferences, do guest shows,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:all had kids since then.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:yeah. We're, um, kind of, we're in our cozy era of Implied Society where we're just making, making the show we want to make.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I'm good with that. So next year, 2025, what are you looking forward to?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:If I was trying to make it a banner year, Better year, not a better year. If I was trying to like hustle more in the next couple years I would definitely look for more collab opportunities. Not only was that I think good for getting our name out there But it was also really fun. I will never forget Talking to people in Australia who were talking to us from the future and that was just so cool and then I like went and drank with my neighbors after and I was like I was just talking to somebody in Australia Like, that's really cool!
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:And I met the guys from nerds talking the podcast who I'm still podcasting with
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:You're right, yeah. That was, I, and that was, I think that was some of the, like, the camaraderie of the hobby that I miss a little bit. Again, don't necessarily know if I have the bandwidth to sustain it, but if, it's not super hard to guess for a lot of people, you just kind of show up and talk. Which is like, what if we just make that, we pretend to have a podcast and then we just go and do other people's
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:We just released the same episodes over and over again.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:So that we can go talk to other people and just come in and be charming and then roll out and let them download, you know, edit their podcast.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yep. Yep. That's the dream. That's the dream.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Uh, what about you? What would you do? What do you want to resolve to like a loser?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Ah, I've got my dream topics, but I don't really have, I mean, I'm pretty happy. I think, I mean, just forever is us just making the process more streamlined, getting my brain all right to do research. I don't know why it's such a slag for me. Um, just, just trying to like. Get better at synthesizing information. I guess that would be my goal for next year. That's not very sexy, but that's the truth.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, well, we all want to get better at synthesizing information. Maybe the AI will eventually catch up and just do it for
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:No, we've tried. We tried. Well, I mean, true. It has been a while since we tried to do
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I mean, this was the year of AI, and yeah, it never worked.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:it did not. We tried. We Tried. so many times. We spent more time fucking trying to get AI to work than it would have taken us to just do it ourselves. Yes. Yep.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah, not cute. Not cute. And besides, you don't want to listen to us read our virtual research assistance stuff, any hoodle.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:can always tell. Even when you go through and polish it, I feel like, you can just tell.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It's just, it's a lot of words that don't say anything.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Just politicians wrote it. Ha ha
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:you go.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:So while we're looking to the future, what are some of your dream topics or like ideas that you have for next year? Just to kind of like titillate the listeners who have made it this far.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:god, we've got so many fucking episodes ideas. Okay, I'm just gonna run through them real quick. Okay. Some of the ones that are on there that jumped out at me today. Peeping Toms.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:That's a
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:is that about?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah. What is the thrill? Well, why do that? I mean, I guess I understand the thrill a little bit, but
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:some deep psychology there that I, I can't
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Like, why is Princess Leia in her slave outfit sexier than, like, just a lady in a bikini? It's because she doesn't want to be wearing it, right? There's like some, it's always more exciting to catch like a peep of somebody's underwear than it is for a stripper to be flapping their, uh, clitoris in your face. Right?
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Totally. Totally. And that's, that's what I want to find out. Um, chiropractors. This is one of the ones that sounds super
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:keep tweaking it up and I'm like, I don't care. No, I'm
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:It's gonna be interesting, the story of how chiropractor started. I'm telling you, it's interesting. I just, I have to sit down and write it. So, keep that one in your hat. That's a thing people say, right? Put it in your hat? Whatever. Uh, penis pumps. That's just going along with our genital shit that we've been doing.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It's what the people love. You gotta keep giving it to them. Keep pumping those penises.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:That's, oh, that's such a good one. That's such a good one.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:there's some like funny, weird stuff in the, in the history books on that one. Uh, and last one, I don't know how I'm gonna make it a full ep full episode, but I've been wanting to do it forever. The bodies that are left on Everest.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:That, uh, that's a creepy
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I know! It's so fucking weird and I can't just Yeah, I I wanna do it. I wanna do it. I
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Oh, they just just dropped dead. They're just doing their thing and they just like kind of fall over and they're dead. There's no oxygen. Why go
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:and nobody can come go up and get them.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Cuz there's no oxygen! Why would you do it? What's it just a top of a mountain? It's just a top of a mountain. It's just white. Okay, those are good. I'm excited to hear about at least three of them. Ha No, it's because I feel like I already know about the bodies on Everest. So that's, that's why I'm like, okay, I feel like I know that one. But the other ones, I'm like, Oh, I'm going to learn something. And then there's chiropractors. I'm just kidding. I'll learn something for
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:You will. You will. You'll learn it and you'll like it.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:White Dirt has made me a believer.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yeah. Trust in Lara.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Okay, so my topics, okay, these are the ones I have and the one I was gonna do for this year before we decided to cop out and do this instead. I really want to do child free, like people who don't have kids, because it is such a taboo and it was recommended by one of our Time Sucks spillover fans. I hope you're still there.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Hopefully. Hi.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:been hanging on by the skin of her teeth being like, Oh, they said they were gonna do a topic that I recommended. So I'd love to do that because it seems very topical right now. But then on the flip side, I also want to talk about just like infertility in general and like what's going on there, because that is something that you cannot touch with a 10 foot pole and polite conversation. And I feel like it's happening more. I don't know. Those forever plastics are just really wrecking our junk, but I'll find out if that's true or not, because those are, those are two like procreation things about our genitals, those things that come out of our genitals, very.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:come out of our genitals. Oh,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:and then based on our conversation today, we both had a lot to say about like consumerism. So there's gotta be, and you won't, you won't bite on my limited series, but maybe there's some kind of topic or episode about it, without,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I've had on my, my list for a really long time of, like, marketing tactics.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:yeah. Yeah.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:con your brain into buying shit.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I think that that's what have to be the spin. Like if we could just go through like, kind of like, The masturbation one, but just tidbits about ways that companies trick you into spending more than you want to or then you more than you realize How is that a taboo? I don't know. It's interesting and
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:just, it's interesting. That's all, that's all I needed. The, you know, podcast, pretense, whatever. It's interesting. That's why I'm going to talk about it.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah. So that's definitely on there. I've started doing, I've literally started doing the research on that one before and could not find enough. So I feel like that's what you'd, like, because the companies don't want you to know. So you have to literally, like, dig into it or, like, talk to people and that's always been my barrier. But on top of that, I definitely got to get into, like, these are more abstract concepts that are floating in my head. Topics around fetishes or kinks, those always are our best downloaded episodes. And they're always interesting. Like, I've had sounding on the list for,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Ah, yes.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:ick factor,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Don't even tell people what that is. The let their imaginations.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:right? Or if you know, you know.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Um, and then the other thing is, like, this is another big, heavy one that's been, like, weighing on me, is what is going on with The battle of the sexes that's happening right now in the world. Like there is such a huge divide between men and women that I'm like, there's definitely taboo in that to pull apart. Is it too big for a polite society? Maybe, but I just, yeah, it's the divide is there. I read and there are little notes. I wrote the lost boys. Cause I feel like we're losing men to this. online internet siren song, right? And it's just, what's happening? What's going on there? Why is this so intense these day and age? And then the last one is just, all I need is one word. Sinkholes. Sinkholes. What the fuck? They're terrifying. I just saw a news article today. This grandma disappeared. They think she got swallowed by a sinkhole.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:What the fuck?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It's horrible. In Pennsylvania. Look it up. It's got three things that just tug at my heart string. One. Grandma. Get, like, already, oh my god, no. Nothing bad can ever happen to a
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Not granny.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Two, she fell in the same coal whilst looking for her lost cat. Heartbreaking. She thought her cat was hanging out at this restaurant. She went looking for him and they think that she stepped on a gone, swallowed three. Her granddaughter was in the car when she got swallowed.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Oh God. Why do you even tell me about
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:It was terrifying. Yeah. Little daughter, granddaughter was taking a nap in her car
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:But she's fine, right? The granddaughter's fine. Like she
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Yeah. Yeah. Oh God. Yeah. No, it's December. It's in Pennsylvania. Um. So yeah, she's taking a little nap, her grandma pulled over to get, look for the cat, never came back. Her family eventually called, I guess found the little girl at one in the morning, and like called the police. This is, it's like a horrible story. And there's just like this little sinkhole that's right there, and then the people at the restaurant that it happened next to were like, Yeah, that wasn't there before. So
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:oh God,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:You do the math.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:can't they find her?
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:They're looking. This is breaking news when this is being recorded, not when you're listening. This is breaking news. I'm gonna Google it as soon as we get off the phone again to see if there's any updates, but I will be following this story.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:And we'll be doing our sinkhole episode.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:They're terrifying. Don't go to Florida or anywhere that minds. Which, we've had a lot of sinkholes in our area up north in St. Louis.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:County, yeah.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:They do, uh, there's a whole road they call it sinks because Yeah, sinkholes. He's lucky he didn't get swallowed. We have sinkholes in my backyard, but that's because there was a pool there that my, like, the people before my parents filled in,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:And in ground pool.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Mm hmm.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Yeah. I don't know.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:So we have an under I grew up with an underground pool. We're really fancy. No, but like, uh, because there's a lot of natural gas up there, right? That's where the sinkholes come from. And lots of caves. Maybe, maybe we'll do a two part series. Sinkholes and caves. Because they're all spooky.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:People, people above ground.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Go below ground.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:People know below ground. I saw what happened to that soccer team, Southeast Asia. People stay up,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:People up. People up. Ha!
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:people on ground, people over ground, people know under or no too far over Everest style
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:There's a sweet spot,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:where there's oxygen and you don't fall to your doom. That's a
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Well that's it, that is,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:high note to end on sinkholes,
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:is, this is how our brains work, this is the peak behind, uh,
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:And you're like, no, pull the curtain, please. It's too much.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:You just blather and blather.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:script back. No, but we hope you have a lovely holiday season. Don't fall into any sinkholes.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Don't climb Everest.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:Test the ground before every step you take. God, some people think the cat fell in the sinkhole too.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Oh, I'm sure the cat is fucking fine. If history has taught me anything, the cat is fucking fine.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:damn. Cats. I love them.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Anyway, happy Happy holidays, everybody. We love you. We'll be coming back in January with some new episodes.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:you might have heard about already. The topics. So get excited. I'm excited.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:Oh, and we hope to see you there.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:So stay curious and don't forget to keep marching to the beat of your own drum. And until then, remember ship happens. No, sorry. You can take that out.
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:I swear I've edited that sound out like explicitly.
lb_1_12-03-2024_211031:I feel attacked! I feel attacked!
squadcaster-f0f6_1_12-03-2024_211030:We'll take this as an opportunity to do better.